With COVID-19 cases declining in the Kingman area, Kingman Regional Medical Center will close its COVID Services Clinic. Its final day of operation will be Friday, April 22, 2022.
For the past two years, Kingman Regional Medical Center has provided free COVID-19 services to the community, including convenient drive-up testing, vaccination for adults and children, and monoclonal antibody therapy to prevent severe illness and hospitalization.
As variants emerged and cases increased, KRMC created a COVID-specific clinic on Stockton Hill Road to accommodate the rising demand for services.
“Our staff has been incredibly dedicated and flexible in meeting our community’s needs throughout this period, even as circumstances were frequently changing,” said Will McConnell, CEO.
Moving forward, symptomatic patients who may need COVID-19 testing can complete an online assessment through KRMC Care Anywhere by visiting www.azkrmc.com. If necessary, the patient’s healthcare provider will provide an order for testing at a KRMC facility, as well as a list of additional community testing options.
“With this closure, we’re seeking to return to a more normal standard of care in which a patient is assessed and treated based on the symptoms they’re experiencing,” said Dr. Gregory Nelcamp, Chief Medical Officer. “Just like if you were sick with flu, your care would be handled through our existing health system rather than in a dedicated clinic.”