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Survive Breast Cancer— Catch It Early! The Importance of Breast Cancer Screening

a medical professional positions a patient for a mammogram

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month – an important time to remind everyone about this life-threatening disease. Although breast cancer occurs rarely in men, it is very common among women. In the United States, breast cancer affects 1 in 1000 men and 1 in 8 women.

Breast cancer begins when cells located in the breast start to grow out of control. In time, these abnormal cells can invade other tissues and organs in the body. If not detected and treated in time, breast cancer can kill.  But, if breast cancer is discovered and treated while the cancer cells are still confined in the breast, most people survive to live full, active lives. Finding the disease early can save your life!


Know Your Risk

Breast cancer is among the most diagnosed cancers and a leading cause of death among women. Regardless of lifestyle or genetics, simply being a woman puts you at risk. And, as you get older, your chance of getting the disease increases.  If you have a family history of breast cancer, your risk is even greater. 

It’s important to talk to your doctor about your breast cancer risks and what screening tests are right for you. 


Catch It Early

Breast cancer discovered early is very survivable. However, survival rates decrease the later the cancer is discovered. Regular mammograms are vital to detect any abnormalities.

A mammogram is a low-dose X-ray of the breast. It can show an extremely small tumor before you or your doctor can feel it in a breast exam. Early detection with mammograms saves many thousands of lives each year. For average-risk women, annual screening mammography is recommended beginning at age 40. Earlier screening may be recommended depending on a patient’s personal risk factors. 


Paying for Screening 

Most insurance providers, including Medicare and Medicaid (AHCCCS) cover annual mammograms. But if you don’t have insurance or if your deductible is more than you can afford, you can still get the care you need through Kingman Regional Medical Center’s “Catch It Early” program.  Through this program, all women aged 40 and over who live in Mohave County can receive a screening mammogram with little or no out-of-pocket cost. 

The KRMC Catch It Early program is funded by community contributions and grants.  In addition to the screening mammograms, the program also helps cover diagnostics and other breast health services to women who qualify.

You do not need a doctor’s referral for a screening mammogram if you are over 40 and it has been over 12 months since your last mammogram.

For more information or to schedule a mammogram, please contact the KRMC Imaging Center at 928-692-2727.